Monday, November 12, 2012

Yep, Shai LaBouf is the problem

Like most red blooded Americans, I believe that in most cases replacing Shai LaBouf is a good thing (I'd have no problem with him replacing Owen Wilson in either Armageddon or The Haunting just to see him die, but I digress). However, to imply that he is the cause of the flagging Transformers movie franchise's downward spiral is, like almost everything Michael Bay, far fetched and hard to believe. It's not like every Transformer movie so far has looked like someone ate too much bad casting, awful acting, terrible story telling, flimsy plot lines, shaky directing and too many over done special effects and puked it all out onto film and called it a movie. Clearly it's all Shai's fault.

Anyway, good luck Marky Mark Wahlberg, the entire franchise is now sitting on your shoulders.